March 27, 2009

RAD VID | Cory Kennedy

Like, yeah ok. I can do every trick, perfect, all the time. Deal with it.

Mixed Medium.

Came across this photo going though a friends FB albums. So simple, and so rad.

March 26, 2009

Gotta Start Blogging More.



Also This....

... For Those Who Know.

I actually own:
a) This copy of Mouse on VHS.
b) A working VCR.

New project. Digitizing old VHS footage. Awesome.

March 24, 2009


Carm is really good at bowling. Seen here, his step by step approach to nailing this spare. Bowlings awesome, but when you can put this much style into it... well then you just get something special!

Ever wonder what to do on a Sunday night in Burlington. Ontarios largest 30+ singles night at CLUB 54.

Thanks to Carm, Uncky Jay and Cheeseburger for the best Sunday ever. Till next week.