May 1, 2006

In Da Ghetto!

Sometimes, things just come together and work out just swell!

Will, Juan Johnny and I were driving around on our way to skate some flat bars in the Dundas/Dixie area, and we stumbled upon this really old bank. Juan was telling us Mcmurder used to rip it back in the day, and had a photo on it. BS flip? Anyways, its a pretty haggard spot; rough run up, step bank, crack at the bottom and the pavement seam. So we get there, and Will just jumps outta the car and straigh rides the thing. He was rocking the filmimg board with like gel 60mm's and some fast bearings. I couldnt skate the thing worth shit, so i busted out the flashes and set up for a photo. Will put down a few of these steezin wheely grabs, and the rest is history.

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